2014 Annual General Assembly

March 14, 2014

The program started at 4pm with Dir. Priscilla Bautista as Master of Ceremony.

The Assembly begun with an opening prayer led by Dir. Regalado Gerodias then followed by the National Anthem led by Mr. Necias Dayap.The Cooperative Song and Cooperative Pledge was led by Ms. Gina Lipata.

A representative from the Director General’s Office, Col. Jesus Rey R. Avilla PAF (Ret), Head Executive Assistant, who was introduced by Ms. Marlene Singson, opened the General Assembly.

Welcome address was delivered by Chairperson Amneris G. Gabriel.

After the Secretary presented the 'Proof of Due Notice" to the presiding officer, She also reported that the quorum has been met. There by Chairperson Gabriel called the 24th Annual General Assembly to order at 4:35pm.

One hundred twenty eight (128) members registered.