2015 Annual General Assembly

March 13, 2015

The program started at 3:00 pm with Dir. Priscilla P. Bautista as Master of Ceremony. The Assembly begun with an opening prayer led by Dir. Regalado B. Gerodias then followed by the National Anthem led by Mr. Necias I. Dayap. The Cooperative Song and Cooperative Pledge was led by Ms. Gina M. Lipata.

Welcome address was delivered by Chairperson Amneris G. Gabriel.

A representative from the Director General’s Office, ATS Director Michael E. Mapanao read DG’s message to PATCOMC members.

After the Secretary reported that the quorum has been met. Thereby Chairperson Gabriel called the 25th Annual General Assembly to order at 3:25pm.

One hundred sixty four (164) members in good standing registered.