Goodwill Loan

  • Gross amount of loan is P3, 500.00, P6, 000.00 and P9, 000.00 payable in three (3) months, six (6) months and nine (9) months respectively.
  • Salary Deduction.
  • For new members only.

Instant Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount P5,000.00
  • Interest rate of 1.5% per month
  • Direct Payment – onetime or staggered payment for three (3) months.
  • Members should be in good credit standing.
  • Can be renewed upon full payment of the existing instant loan.

Medical Assistance / Calamity Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate of 1.5%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 10%.
  • Maximum payment period thirty (60) months.
  • Requirements:
    • Medical Assistance Loan - Medical Abstract or Doctor’s Certificate & Official Receipt or covering payments made not earlier than two (2) months prior to filling of the loan. (If member is single qualified dependents are: Parents, brothers, sister and (children if single parent); if member is married qualified dependents are: Spouse, children and parents).
    • Calamity Loan – area of Residency must be declared as areas under the state of calamity. (Barangay Certificate). Residence shall be based as per member’s profile.
  • Medical Assistance and Calamity Loan to be taken separately.
  • Maximum of 2 loans but not to exceed the SBL.

 Regular Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL.
  • Interest rate of 2.8%/month based on diminishing balance.
  • Maximum payment period of thirty-six (36) months. Effective Rate 18%.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • No other requirements required.

Multi-Purpose Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL.
  • Interest rate of 2.8%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 18%.
  • Maximum payment period of thirty six (36) months
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Statement of Loan Balances.

Educational Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate of 2.5%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 16%.
  • Maximum payment period twenty four (24) months
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements:
    • Official Receipt - receipt covering payments made not more than two (2) months prior to filing of loan. or
    • Registration Card - processed registration card, indicating the amount to be paid.

Special Service Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate of 2.5%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 16%.
  • Maximum payment period of sixty (60) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements:
    • Official Receipt - receipt covering made not more than three (3) months prior to filing of loan. (ex. Appliances, electric, water, telephone, credit card and others). or
    • Quotation or billing - quotation from the establishment (ex. Appliances, electric, water, telephone and credit card bill and others).
  • Surrender OR/CR if the loan purpose is for Vehicle.

House Renovation Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate of 2.5% /month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 16%.
  • Maximum payment period of sixty (60) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements:
    • Official- receipt covering payments made not more than three (3) months prior to filing of loan. (Ex. Materials and Labor). Or
    • Quotation or BOM - quotation or bill of materials.

Business Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate of 2.5%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 16%.
  • Maximum payment period of thirty six (36) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements:
    • Feasibility Study. Or
    • Certificate of Registration, ITR (existing).

Guaranteed Loan

  • Maximum Loanable amount SBL.
  • Interest rate of 1.22% per month based on diminishing balance. Effective interest Rate 8% per annum.
  • Maximum payment period
    • Vehicle – Sixty (60) months or five (5) years.
    • House and/or Lot – One hundred twenty (120) months or ten (10) years.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after seventy fie percent (75%) of the previous loan has
    been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements
    • OR/CR if the loan purpose is for Vehicle.
    • Land Title (House and/or Lot).
    • Deed of Sale Agreement.

Loyalty Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL.
  • Interest rate based on diminishing balance and Membership

                                           Interest Rate             Effective Rate    

    • Platinum =              .85%                       5.53%
    • Gold =                     1.00%                      6.50%
    • Silver =                    1.15%                       7.50%
    • Bronze =                  1.31%                       8.52%
  • Maximum payment period of sixty (60) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Requirements – NO LOAN BALANCE

Consolidated Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL.
  • Interest rate of .90% /month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 6%.
  • Maximum payment period of sixty (60) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • Combination of Loan Balances from PATCOMC.

Buy Out Loan

  • Maximum loanable amount SBL
  • Interest rate is .90%/month based on diminishing balance. Effective Rate 6%.
  • Maximum payment period sixty (60) months.
  • Renewal shall only be allowed after fifty percent (50%) of the previous loan has been paid on or before the date of loan renewal.
  • The purpose of this loan is to buy out loan from other financial institution like AMWSLAI, CWSLAI, LBP and other Financial Institution.



All Loans are subject to applicable standard and approved fees and deductions:

Computations of interest are based on diminishing computation.

Loan Insurance (LIGF) or Mutual Benefit Fund (MBF) = 1.25/Php1,000.00 loan/mo.

Savings = 3% of Gross amount

Service Fee

If P1,000.00 to P9,999.00      -  NO SERVICE FEE

If P10,000.00 to P99,999.00  -  1% of Principal Amount

If P100,000.00 to P1M           -   P100.00 x no. of months to pay

Processing Fee

If P1,000.00 to P9,999.00       -  2% of Principal Amount

If P10,000.00 to P99,999.00  -  P100.00

If P100,000.00 to P1M            -  P500.00

Surcharges = 2%

Approved Single Borrowers Limit (SBL) = Php2,500,000.00   


*For Consolidated, Buy Out and Loyalty loan – NO Re-computation of
interest upon cash full payment of Loan.