General Information
  • Business Name: Philippine Air Traffic Controllers’ Multi-Purpose Cooperative  (PATCOMC)
  • Address: Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines Compound, NAIA Road, Pasay City (1300)
  • Date Registered: June 21, 1991
  • Registration No.: MLA 748
  • New registration Date: February 22, 2010 (under R.A. 9520)
  • New Reg. No.: 9520-16008254
  • Type of Cooperative: Multi-Purpose (non-agricultural)
  • Area of Operations: National
  • Objectives and Purposes for which PATCOMC is formed:
    • To encourage thrift and savings mobilization among members for capital formation;
    • To create funds in order to grant loans for productive and providential purposes to its members;
    • To provide goods and services and other requirements of the members;
    • To engage in aviation and other support services;
    • To promote the cooperative as a way of life for improving the social and economic well-being of the people;
    • To do any related activity for the member’s self  government, improve social and/or economic well-being under a truly just democratic society;
    • To work with the cooperative movement, non-government and government organizations/entities in the promotion and development of cooperatives and in carrying out government policies; and
    • To undertake other activities for the effective and efficient implementation of the provisions of the Cooperative Code.
Organizational Aspect
  • Membership
    • Regular - 693
      • Male - 376
      • Female - 317
    • Associate - 176
      • Male - 94
      • Female - 82
    • Total - 869
      • Male - 470
      • Female - 399
  • Membership Composition
    • Former Air Traffic Controllers of Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
    • Employees of Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
    • Employees of Philippine Air Traffic Controllers’ Multi-Purpose Cooperative
  • Common Bond of Membership:    Institutional
  • Number of Directors: 9 (Male – 1, Female – 8)
  • Number of Employees: 6 (Male – 1, Female – 5)
  • National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO)
  • Tagalog Cooperative Development Center (TAGCODEC)
  • Cooperative Health Management Federation (1 COOP Health)
  • Cooperative Insurance of the Philippines (CISP)
  • DIGICoop Technology Service Cooperative
Economic Aspect
  • Business Transactions
    • Lending Operation
      • Releases – Php 37,602,000.00
      • Approved – 577 loan applications
      • Loan Products
        • Regular
        • Medical Assistance/Calamity Loan
        • Special Services
        • Educational
        • House Renovation
        • Business
        • Consolidated
        • Buy – out
        • Multi –Purpose
        • Instant
        • Loyalty
        • Guaranteed Loan (House and Car Loan)
        • Pandemic Assistance Loan
  • Finances
    • Total Asset - Php 95,622,792.65  
    • Total Equity - Php 46,205,225.92
    • Total Deposits –  Php 22,763,268.50 
    • Net Surplus –  Php 3,564,227.17